Australian Winter School 2024

The 47th Australian Winter School will be held in Queensland at the University of Queensland Gatton Campus from Sunday 7 July to Sunday 14 July 2024, one hour’s drive west of Brisbane’s city centre.

Go to Qld Winter School 24 website

Here you will find all the information on registration and the social programme (local dancers are invited to attend the social dances if they are not attending the Winter School).

This is a Queensland Winter School 2024 message from the RSCDS chairman William Williamson and chairman elect Gary Coull (who will become the new chairman in November 2024).

Gary Coull was an expert and fun teacher at the winter school in Kiama last year and William Williamson will be teaching at the Qld Winter School in July 2024. Listen to Gary giving William some pointers about his upcoming trip to down under:

The preparations for our Qld Winter School 2024 are coming along in leaps and bounds and places are still available. Check out what is on offer here.