Dear ATA member,
The Education & Training committee strongly recommends that all RSCDS teachers participate in Continuing Teacher Development. ATA is here to assist!
Designed to fit in with this year’s Winter School in Queensland, there will be a two-day Teacher Development Course prior to the school and at the same accommodation (Gatton campus).
Commencing on the evening of Friday 5th July and continuing with workshops Saturday morning and afternoon and also Sunday morning.
This will be a practical course covering as many of the following skills as possible:
- observing and correcting faults in steps and handing (observe, analyse, isolate, correct)
- dance analysis
- creating skills exercises for tricky/less common formations or difficult transitions
- teaching points – what they are and how to use them effectively
- recapping
- effective use of voice / teaching without excess talking
- use of music/musician
The course will be led by Jeanette Watson of Wellington, New Zealand.
Read about Jeanette Watson in her bio Here.
Accommodation, meals, morning and afternoon teas are included.
Price is $295 per person for ATA members (this cost is subsidised by ATA), $320 non ATA members.
Direct deposit preferred to ATA bank account.
BSB 032 167
Account 162534
Reference your name and July24
Please contact us if you need to use another method of payment.
Kind regards
Diana Hastie, Secretary

For On-line registration form click Here
For pdf registration form click Here